Announcing the Jefferson City CrossFit August MVP! Janelle Harris is about ready to celebrate one year with us. She is a photographer by day and CrossFit Ninja Gymnast at night.
She is quite the artist.
She has been known to carve an amazing watermelon in celebration of a wedding shower.
She has also been known to sew special wrist wraps and out of pure kindness give to people to use at the box. Purple ones. Wonder Woman ones. Her husband and her completed their first CrossFit Competition together in the spring of this year. And she has already signed up for two more. She is a beautiful soul and has this way of always making others feel special. She has a heart of gold, would do anything for anyone, and if a challenge awaits her she is not one to back down. Thank you Janelle for being such a powerful part of our community at Jefferson City CrossFit!
Name: Janelle Harris
Age: 29….barely! 30 is rapidly approaching, ha!
Family: Zach, that big bearded beast at the gym throwing around tons of weight like it’s nothing, and my kiddos Jack (7) and Eva (3)
How long have you been CrossFitting?: September 1st will be my 1 year anniversary!!
What is your greatest accomplishment at the box?: I don’t know that I can think of just one! CrossFit has literally changed my life! I started at jccf under strict orders from my doctor to change my diet and start exercising “vigorously” at least 3 days a week, and come back in 6 months to recheck my blood work. I went back and everything was back in normal ranges! My blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, sodium, and thyroid! I have gotten SO much stronger since joining jccf. I’m growing every day and loving it!
Do you have a favorite memory at the box?: There are so many! I think my first bar muscle up was pretty exciting, but I also like to just look around and observe all commradere around me. I love that we are all friends and we fight for each other. If someone is having a hard time with a lift or a wod, everyone will drop what they are doing and rally around. We have wonderful people here and I am so thankful for every single one!
Favorite weightlifting movement and Why?: cleans! I struggled with my clean a lot in the beginning…. It took a while to get the timing right, but I’ve finally figured it out and my clean weight has been steadily climbing the past few months…… That body weight clean is in my sight! 🙂
Snatch or Clean and Why?: clean, snatches are a major weakness of mine and something I hope to conquer one day.
Wall balls or Burpees and Why?: burpees, no question!! I’m probably the only person ever that actually really likes burpees! I am not normal….. You probably already knew that!
Running or Rowing and Why? That’s tough… Again, both are weaknesses. I’m going to have longer legs in my next life! 😉
Favorite Shoes to work out in: shoes….. I hate shoes! Haha Barefoot is best for me!
If you could give any advice for a person new to CrossFit, what would it be?: In the beginning you see all these people doing things that seem impossible to you, but if you commit and stick to it, before long you will amaze yourself! You are only limited by what you “think” you can do.
What are your goals in the future with your CrossFit adventure: I just want to continue to grow and get stronger. I would really like to consistently wod with prescribed weight….. It’ll be a while before I get there.
What is one thing that people who know you, may not “know” about you? Hmmm….. That’s tough….. I talk a lot and am an open book, so I feel like people know most things about me. Haha I had my first full time job at 15, and have always worked hard for everything I have had. Now I work from home and get to spend a lot of time with my kids. I am so grateful for the opportunity to do that.
Favorite past time outside of CrossFit: I really love to paint, but don’t get to do it much these days. I also really enjoy being with my friends and their families, and I make it a priority to spend time with friends often. I truly value those relationships and work hard to keep them strong.
Favorite Food: Coconut Curry
Favorite Beverage: wine! No shock there! I also really love my fruit loop protein shakes!
Favorite Quote: “though she be but little, she is fierce.” – Shakespeare
Anything else you wish to share that your heart desires: I just can’t express how much the jccf community means to me and Zach. Not only have we gotten more healthy and strong on this journey, but we have made a lot of friends and CrossFit has given us something to do together, so it has improved our relationship with each other. We are so blessed to be a part of this community! I love you all!! <3