Announcing our September Athlete MVP at JCCF! Nathan has been with just short of year. Seeing his gains and growth in fitness in the last several months has been nothing short of inspiration. How many times a day, do I hear from the afternoon classes, “Did you see what score/time Nathan got?! Holy smokes!” This week he RX’d the benchmark workout “Diane” for the first time. And ask any person that is 200+lbs how demanding a strict or even a kipping handstand pushup  can be for their strength and coordination load. He has been known to do a wall ball with an atlas stone. (only kidding) and he is ususally quiet but always supportive of his surrounding athletes. His beautiful wife Heather and her smiling face has always cheered me up and can’t wait to see her back in the box. Thank you Nathan for playing such an important role in our community!
So here he is!
Name: Nathan Jobe
Age: 33
Family: Wife, Heather Jobe.  Children Ava (8) Hudson (4) Grant (1)
How long have you been CrossFitting?:10 months 
What is your greatest accomplishment at the box?:  strict HSPU
Do you have a favorite memory at the box?  Trying to do doubleunders in a pair of shorts without a drawstring. Oh yeah and KRCG was there to capture it. 
Favorite weightlifting movement and Why?:Back Squat.  Its hard to do it wrong. 
Snatch or Clean and Why?:  It was snatch but right now they make my shoulder hurt so I guess Cleans.
Wall balls or Burpees and Why? 25lb wall balls and Burpees offer about the same amount of torture. 
Running or Rowing and Why? Rowing. Running feels like a punishment. 
What is a one month goal and a one year goal for you in your CrossFit adventure? My one month goal is to do a ring muscle up before Jake. The way its going that may be my one year goal also. 
Favorite Shoes to work out in: inov 195 unless I’m running and then they suck. 
If you could give any advice for a person new to CrossFit, what would it be?: If you can get through the first month you will start to love it and your rest days will feel weird.
What is one thing that people who know you, may not “know” about you?  I DIY everything 
Favorite past time outside of Crossfit? Working in my shop and my family.
Favorite Food: Anything I didn’t have to prepare.
Favorite Beverage: grape Kool-aid 
Anything else you wish to share that your heart desires:
I started Crossfit last december. I had just gone to my yearly check up with my family doctor.  My cholesterol levels came back high enough that she wanted to put me on some type of medication for it in addition to the blood pressure pills I was already on. I was at my heaviest weight ever at 265lbs. After 7 months of Crossfit I have lowered both my cholesterol and blood pressure to a normal range and no longer need any medication to control them. I’m around 225lbs and feel better than I have in years.