Please come to 9am WOD tomorrow, if you are interested in participating in the Nutrition Challenge starting on February 2nd. I can promise it will be one of the best decisions you make for yourself for a “Better than Yesterday” 2013. Do the work and you will see results. There will be a sign up sheet at the box this week. Measurements and Weigh-ins to be made with a trainer prior to 2/1/2013. There will be partners for accountability, 4 week Measure/Weighin Check up, then 8 Week Finale! The winner with most inches lost, will get one free monthly membership and a free On Ramp for a friend.
Game Day is coming! For those not meeting their strength and endurance goals. I will be the first to tell you, it’s 90% Nutrition. So, if you want to be a better athlete, you better get your game face on and start the challenge to eat clean, be mean, and CrossFit!