At Jefferson City CrossFit, we believe in a holistic approach. That is why Dr. Brandon Johns, with Align Chiropractic, who is also a member at Jefferson City CrossFit, will be at our facility from 8-10am to offer Rock and kinesio tape to any problem areas. A brief explanation is that the purpose of this tape is once applied it opens up blood flow to the muscles and which in turn helps in recovery of those muscles. Coach Maria has used this several times, and vouches for it.
This Saturday, there is an added bonus. Dr. Johns, will also be offering “injury assessments” .
Every individual has stabilizer muscles that contribute to our overall movements. Whether it be with a barbell, bodyweight, and even cardio movements such as running, jumping rope, or running. This is an opportunity, to have an assessment by Dr. Johns to see if you have any weaknesses that may be hindering your movement or may be of risk to cause a future injury.
The holistic approach we have at Jefferson City CrossFit includes hands on experienced trainers, nutrition guidance, and now injury assessments by a doctor. We often say, you must take care of your body outside of the box, just as much as you do inside the box. So, once again, JCCF is offering more tools to help you produce the “better than yesterday” version of you! And here is your chance because this is available to members only!