Clean & Jerk every 45 sec for 4:30

1. 1 C & J @ 75% 0-:30sec
2. 2 TNG C & J :30-:45
*Complete 1 & 2 withen the :45 sec
Rest 2 min
Every 40 sec for 4 min
1 C&J @ 80% 
Partner WOD
15 min AMRAP
2 Hand Farmers Carry
45/25 Plate Hug Carry
Single Arm OH DB Carry (Right hand to end of rig/ switch hands back to start)
2 inch Pinch carry (25/15)
***after each complete round, both partners complete 30 synchro Goblet Squats*** 
*unless otherwise designated all carries are to end of rig and back. 1 partner working at a time 
**each partner completes 2 hand farmer carry before moving on to plate hug etc.