This Saturday October 5, 2013 there will be a slight change in schedule. We will not be having the regular 9am WOD. It will be at 7am. Also, ONRAMP class will be at 8am that morning. We are doing this slight change to the WOD  times to allow any members that want to watch our fellow athletes, Adam S, Travis M, Terressa S, Brittany B, Kelsey S, and Natalie C, perform in the CrossFit Competition  and Brent W. in the StrongMan Competition at CrossFit Fringe in Columbia, MO. Spectators should try to be there around 10 to 10:15and it will go into the later afternoon. It will be incredible.

Also, this Friday, our current athletes that signed up for the 30 day Eat Clean, Get Stronger and Faster Challenge will be performing their WODs they did 30 days ago. Bring your numbers and time to beat! You will also need to get weighed and measured that day.  Come prepared and mobilized to go Beast Mode. Who is going towin a new pair of CrossFit shoes. After all the results are in, we should be able to announce the winner later next week.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions at