Ring MU Skill work
12 Min Alt EMOM
2 x one Ring Turnovers plus 3 ring dips (on low rings or high rings)
10 Hollow Rocks
8 Ring Rows (Lay as flast as possible)
:30 Seconds Toes2Bar
:30 Second Rest
Directly into
120'  (3 lengths of rig) 
Single Dumbbell 53/35 OH Lunge (3 Reps)
7 Ring MU
80 ' (rig and Back) Single Dumbbell Overheard Walking Lunge
5 Ring MU
40' (one length of rig) Single Dumbbell Overheard Walking Lunge
3 Ring MU
*Alternate Arms as Needed on Lunge
*Scale is 9, 7, 5 Bar MU
Scale is 20, 15, 10 C2B
*Option 2
:30 Seconds V Ups
:30 Second Rest
Directly into 
80' (2 lengths of rig) 
Single Dumbbell OH Lunge 35/20 (2 Rep)
20 Chest 2 Bar
60 ' (rig and 1/2 Back) Single Dumbbell Overheard Walking Lunge
15 Chest 2 Bar
40' (one length of rig) Single Dumbbell Overheard Walking Lunge
10 Chest 2 Bar
For Scores: Total Toes to Bar or Vups
And Time.