Come have some fun at the box this Saturday, July 27 starting at 5pm. Bring a dish! Bring some beverage of choice! Bring your family and friends. The annual CrossFit games are going on this week, and we hope to set up a TV at the box for viewing! It is the Super Bowl of CrossFit and hope to see you all there!

Just a few end of month reminders, please let us know if you are having membership changes for August. We also have direct withdrawal forms from checking available. You can complete and return those no later than July 27. Otherwise please value that all membership dues are due on the first of the month for that month. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation.

Also, if you have purchased a Groupon for OnRamp please email with your “groupon purchase code” to reserve a spot. August session is almost full!

Also watch KRCG news again tomorrow morning at 6:15 and 6:45 to see some of the JCCF crew get their CrossFit on!

Carry forth and be awesome. Keep up the great work. Strive to find your better than yesterday. We have a great commiunity and we are growing. Please welcome the new faces you see in the gym. It is CrossFit that has brought us a lot of positive outflow in our daily routine, jobs, family life. We pick each other up. We encourage. Let’s share the CF goodness. We know CrossFit isn’t easy, but we also know it’s worth it. Our children and grandchildren will thank us.