Marla Day

Marla Day

Introducing our very own: Marla shows up and is dedicated to each WOD. It’s her drive that is awesome. She started with JCCF in February’s Onramp and became hooked! Glad to have you as a part of our community!

Name: Marla Day

Age: 47

Occupation: Director of Membership, MSPE

Family/Children and Ages: Husband – Mike, married for 28 years. Children – Jordan 23 and Parker 18

Favorite CrossFit Weight lift or Movement: Kettle Bell Swings

Favorite WOD so far: Front Squat 5-5-5-5 then 8 Minute AMRAP 8KB’s (70/45) 4 R2R Sprints (down and back twice)

Why do you CrossFit: The WOD is different every time you come to the box, it’s challenging but rewarding at the same time. I love the encouragement and camaraderie you receive from the coach and other participants.

Two CF Goals: To become stronger and to become more physically fit.

Advice to a newcomer: I am new (one month in)….but I am already hooked. Just do it and I promise you will never go back to a regular gym!

Favorite CrossFit Shoes: Don’t have any at the moment. (yet)

Favorite CrossFit saying/or abbreviation and why?: PR – to see someone achieve a personal record is so inspiring to me! I love to see the excitement on their face.

What is one thing that you could tell us about yourself that may be surprising to someone that knows you?: That is really a hard question….this is something silly but all I can think of for right now!
I am totally addicted to True Blood…a series on HBO.

Favorite meal: Madison’s Julies Zesty Pasta and House Salad

Favorite Dessert: Tiramasu

Favorite Drink: This is hard.. I have so many!!

Keep up the great work Marla! Glad to have you as a part of our community! We are working on having her favorite drink to be a protein shake and meal to be steak and veggies!