I still remember Renee messaging JCCF for the first time to come try out a class. She was a little skeptical and wanted to make sure it was the best fit for her family including her son Cooper! They have now been with us for over a year, and her journey from beginning to now is absolutely an inspiration. Keep rising and shining. Meet Renee Bosch!
Renee Bosch, 37 years old
Family: Ron (Significant other) and Cooper (6 year old son)
Occupation: Peer support/Social work with Behavioral health at the VA hospital
When and how did you get started with us? April 2021 We wanted to find a community for our family to join, not just a commercial gym.
Favorite Lift: Hang Power Clean, it makes me feel strong!!!
Favorite Workout: Has to be Murph, The feeling inside you get when you finish that workout is indescribable. You can feel it radiate off everyone in the gym that day. The pride, the humbleness, the gratitude. Its amazing. I am a Army veteran myself so I am honored to do this workout each year.
Favorite Meal: Tends to change every time we find a new recipe !! I’m lucky that Ron loves to cook and try new things. But my go to always seems to be a good steak and fresh veggies. We cook them in a sous vide first and they come out perfect every time.
Favorite Beverage: Moscow Mule, especially during the summer when it is hot outside.
What class time do you usually attend and what is the favorite part about that class? We usually go to the 5:30 class right after work. I love this class for that reason, we are all there, right after work. Maybe we are tired, maybe a little stressed out, yet we showed up!! And walked out feeling better because of it!!
What is your favorite JCCF Tradition/Community Event? When our CrossFit community showed up for the tunnels to towers event last year downtown. Such an amazing event and organization to honor those lost lives from 9/11.
What is one thing that most people do not know about you? Oh I’m sure everyone knows…My families obsession with dachshunds!! We have 7 currently. More to come I am sure.
Tell us some about your journey, greatest accomplishments: Since beginning CrossFit I have lost 40+ pounds and gained muscle. I have gained self-confidence. I learned that I love to lift. I love to feel strong. My whole family goes to the gym, including my 6 year old son. I can’t think of a better environment for our family to spend time together.
If you could give any advice for a person new to CrossFit, what would it be?: Maria always says something that resonates with me “Movement is medicine” And it truly is. Both physically and mentally. Just SHOW UP. The rest will fall into place.
Please list two future goals. 6 months and One year:
6 Month: Graduate with my Masters in Social Work!! I am so CLOSE!!
1 year: Getting my CrossFit Trainer certification. I want to incorporate CrossFit into our whole health program for the veterans we serve.
Favorite Quote:
“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”
The biggest reply I get from people when they find out I do CrossFit is “Oh I could never do that!!” Well, YES you can. And YES I can. Because I was one of those “I could never do it” people and I love that I proved myself wrong. I found out I am capable and I am a better person for it.