New Year’s Eve – Regular Hours, but there will be no 6:30 pm class.
New Year’s Day – 9am, 4pm, and 5pm Only.
OnRamp (Foundation CrossFit classes) Starts at 6pm on Thursday, January 2, 2014. Tell your friends if they want to get in to CrossFit for their New Year’s Resolution. This class will fill up quickly. $99[$85 for eligible public servants] for 4 one hour classes and upon completion the remainder of the month unlimited classes at no additional charge.
2014 Challenge for every Member. Arrive for the WOD prepared. And ALWAYS track your Data, WOD Times, Strength Weights in your notebook. Write the WOD down before class starts. You will find that this will set you up for more personal records and prepare you better for daily workouts. Show up and be accountable. Jefferson City CrossFit is taking 2014 by storm.
***If you don’t have a notebook. Go to Wal-Mart or the Dollar Store and splurge and spend a couple dollars on one. Ka-Boom.