The September OnRamp starts Thursday, September 5 at 6pm. They are 4 one hour classes the first two weeks of the month at 6pm on Thursday and 10 am Saturday to teach you the foundational movements of CrossFit and introduce you to the community of CrossFit. Meet our certified experienced trainers here. We have a few spots left. Contact us at to reserve your spot.
Also, for our current members we will be starting another challenge to eat clean, train hard, and work towards a better quality of life. We will incorporate components of strength and conditioning, but also inches and lbs lost. There will be a small entry fee and awesome prizes for winners. This challenge will begin on September 7, 2013. Please try to make this date on your calendar to be available at the 9am class. If we need to do make-ups, we will work our best to make this happen. We would like everyone to move from their comfort zone and attempt to challenge their abilities. In truth this is what makes us better, stronger persons.
Finally, Saturday, August 31, from 9am to 11am, we will be participating in the Granite Mountain Hot Shots Event. We will be participating in this phenomenal WOD event to honor the Fallen of Prescott 19. We are excited to have visitors from our surrounding CF community join the fun. Then having a pork lunch afterwards. JCCF is providing the pork, but if everyone could bring a side dish and beverages, please do so.
Cheers to a great challenging week ahead!