June has been one quick amazing month! Just a few JCCF nation reminders.

1) Drink water and Mobilize. Try to intake # of oz per lbs of body weight. This hot humid weather is hard on our bodies. Bless the workers that are in it day in and day out.

2) July 4th only one class at 9am. Regular classes the rest of the week.

3) July 6th is the worldwide CrossFit Hope WOD. Donations accepted and put towards a great cause. Come in to participate. CrossFit affiliates world-wide will be doing this WOD with us!

4) July 11th at 6pm is our next OnRamp starting. It is filling up quick so if you have friends or family that want in, they need to make payment to hold their spot.

5) Wake up. Be awesome. Go to Bed. Repeat.