No Strength today!

Today is the 12th Anniversary of the terrorist attacks in New York and D.C.

We are going to honor all the lives that were lost at the Twin Towers that day.  There were a total of 2,753 lives lost, 60 of which were police officers, and 343 were firefighters.  This wod is programmed with 1 rep for each fallen firefighter.

Partner Wod

Buy in – Run 1 lap (both buildings)

100 Deadlifts (145/115)

100 Power Cleans (95/65)

100 Ground 2 Overhead (65/35)

43 Burpees

*The weightlifting movements will be shared with your partner, only one person working at a time.  Both people will do all 43 burpees.

Have fun!  We’re doing this because we can!

P.S. – When we are doing a bunch of “light weight” movements, it’s easy to sacrifice form for speed.  DON”T DO THIS!  MAKE SURE IT’S PRETTY FIRST, THEN YOU CAN MAKE IT FAST (while keeping it pretty)!!!!