This one is written for you.
For those that don’t have time. Don’t have money. For those that are willing to make every excuse they can before making a decision to do work.
This is written for those that need to hear what it takes to form a wish into a plan. Making that plan a goal. Stir it with the magic potion called WORK, and your goal becomes success.
This is for you that don’t have time. I am an almost 42 year old employee that works 40+hours a week for a retirement plan. I am a mother that worries every day if she is raising her two children right in a chaotic world full of violence and poor decision making. They both do organized sports, and are always on the go. I am constantly wondering if I am doing it right, feeling like a failure some days, and soaking up every bit of them as they grow up too fast. I am a wife that needs more quality time with her hot Fireman husband. I share a full time passionate business with my husband. We laugh, smile, and love every spankin member that walks through our doors wanting more out of life. We live and breathe our gym.
I am also a person that wants to put their mental and physical health first. I will spend any spare minute to sweat and work hard, because I have never believed in all my God given life that half ass is a way to approach anything that you want more out of. I get off on working out. There I said it. If you tried CrossFit, you would too.
I remember something an 80+ year old amazing Doctor of Chiropractic told me several years ago. We have balance. A balance in life is not dividing things to give your attention at 50/50. A balance is that at some parts in a day, I have to give 100% to things while the next hour I give 100% to another thing. My son’s birthday party gets my 100%. The class I coach gets my 100%. The 9+hours for my employer, gets my 100%. The CrossFit workout I just did gets my 100%. In the end of the day, no one got 50/50%. It got my all.
For those that don’t have time. You make time for things you love.
For those that don’t have money. You spend money on things you want.
For those that are tired. Sleep.
For those that think they aren’t in shape enough or weigh too much. Keep making excuses without action, and you will always be saying that.
For those that eat sugar, processed food, and other crap. Keep eating like crap, and see above point. We all come in different shapes and sizes. It’s how we decide to treat our genetics over the long haul that will give us the end result.
For those that have children. Make physical activity a bond to share with them your entire life. Read, talk, and pray with them every day.
For those that have handicaps. Get over it. We all have struggles. First, it will make you stronger. It’s your choice to make a handicap an asset that makes you more unique than you could ever imagine.
For those that will get in to exercise “next” month. There is never a greater time than the present.
For those that are not happy. Make Changes.
For those that think I am crazy about my passion. You are jealous.
Bold statements are made by those that believe in themselves and believe in others when no one else will. Fitness is priority. For your grandchildren’s sake. The only way is up.
~Coach Maria