FAQ’s and Drop in Policy

What are the benefits of CrossFit?

CrossFit is a way of challenging yourself daily past your threshold to become stronger mentally and physically. Making yourself better for life and whatever challenges come along. We will have grandparents, soccer moms, and tactical operators training side by side lifting each other up. In true beauty of CrossFit everyone will receive the same training at our affiliate and it will vary by degree not kind. Constantly varied functional movements done at high intensity are what make you look better and feel better. Going to your same gym, picking up the same weights, using the same cardio equipment will make you no more than complacent. We want to make your body an efficient working machine so you can accomplish any and all tasks you may have to.

Is CrossFit safe?

CrossFit is safe when done properly. This is why the On Ramp class is so important to developing the skills needed to participate in classes. Most people want to have an intense workout. In CrossFit, the mechanics of the movements come first, then intensity. This is why we do functional movements your body was meant to do.

What makes Jefferson City CrossFit different?

CrossFit is constantly varied functional movements done at high intensity. This is done on ten different levels testing cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, agility, power, speed, and accuracy. The workouts will vary by degree not kind. There is nothing efficient or functional about bicep curls or leg extensions. You will see people use functional movements that work from your core to extremity, multi- joint movements that make you work. Doing CrossFit trains you for the unknown and the unknowable.

You can achieve elite fitness with a 15 minute workout. Don’t believe it? Schedule a time to come by and try us out. Saturdays are great days to see what we are all about. The session is one hour and begins at 8:00 or 9:00 am. Within that hour, we will put you through a warm-up, the workout of the day and a cool-down. Also, you always have a certified CrossFit trainer keeping an eye on you. It’s like having a personal trainer every day, but a lot cheaper than hiring one!

At Jefferson CrossFit our goal is to be the most educated, most experienced and family-oriented box that we can be because your “one hour” spent with us is the most important hour of the day!

Class Offerings

– CrossFit Programming

– Individualized Coaching

– SugarWOD Tracking

– Access to Private Group and Nutrition Guidance

– Specialized training programs for local sports teams

– Corporate wellness programs

Our Box – Located at 728A Heisinger Jefferson City, MO 65109

– 7000 + sq. feet of training space and 500 square feet of office space

What is a workout of the day (WOD)?

A “WOD” is led by a Jefferson City CrossFit trainer, who reviews the movements that will be performed during the workout, then keeps a watchful eye on each of the athletes in the class. The WODs are done in a group setting. Typically each group is 10-15 people. You will never be left alone while working out. The Jefferson City CrossFit training staff keeps an encouraging presence throughout your entire experience.

Am I going to be the only one not “in shape”?

Absolutely not! That is the reason we all show up to train! We want to work on our fitness. You don’t have to have any experience working out. You don’t have be familiar with what CrossFit is. Anyone, regardless of fitness level, skill, gender and age can learn how to do CrossFit.

Why are the workouts done in groups?

Jefferson City CrossFit is a community. The athletes of our box are all a part of this community. During the workouts, we encourage and quite frankly, expect, that each athlete supports one another during the workouts. It’s typical to find that not only do you have your CrossFit coach pushing you through a workout, but also your fellow CrossFitters will be encouraging you as well.

Still not sure, what this means? You are welcome to observe any CrossFit class you want. Just stop by during a scheduled workout. Please arrive a few minutes before class is set to begin to meet with a trainer.

What if I don’t know what the workout is?

Before you begin taking CrossFit classes, we will sign you up for the “On Ramp” course. This course consists of two 60 minute personal training sessions. This personal training in CrossFit is only the beginning of your journey, but during that time, a CrossFit trainer will teach you the nine fundamental movements of CrossFit, as well as educate you on the overall programming methods of CrossFit. This is an interactive session, which will be setup in the following way: Instructional phase, where we introduce the movement, participation phase, where you practice the movement and the evaluation phase, where we make sure you are doing the movement to our expectations. Then we will put you through a guided warm-up, workout and cool-down. Do you want to do these with a friend or family member. Message us for discounted rates.

What if I don’t know how to CrossFit?

Everyone starts somewhere. See above!

How often should I train in one of the classes?

We recommend a schedule of three days on, one day off. That means, you should schedule yourself for three days in a row, with the fourth day being a day off. If a three-day on schedule doesn’t fit your needs, some folks train five-straight days with two days off. We just need for you to rest and recover. The workouts are demanding and these days are absolutely necessary.

What is On-Ramp?

Two 60 minute sessions held with a Jefferson City CrossFit coach and are designed to prepare you for CrossFit. During these sessions, you will learn the nine fundamental movements of CrossFit (Squat, Overhead Squat, Front Squat, Strict Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, Deadlift, Sumo Deadlift High Pull, Back Squat and Thruster).

Please email JeffersonCityCrossFit@Gmail.com to schedule yours today!

Contact Us To Schedule Your FREE Class or NO SWEAT INTRO

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    Drop-In Policy

    If you are visiting Jefferson City CrossFit and have CrossFit experience at another CrossFit affiliate, you are welcome to join us for a training session. Our drop-in rate is $20 per session. We do request that you send an email to jeffersoncitycrossfit@gmail.com to let us know you will be coming. Sometimes we hold special events or have adjusted hours and we want to be sure you are informed of this.

    Where do I find pricing information?

    • On Ramp: $120 – Two 60 minute personal training sessions must be completed before joining regular CrossFit classes. You are encouraged to try two classes out for Free before signing up.
    • Unlimited Classes: $133/month
    • Unlimited Classes /Couples: $225/month
    • Active Duty Military/EMS/Student/Law Enforcement/Firefighter/Teacher/RN (or spouse thereof) Please message us for a discounted rate.
    • ***We offer billing cycles on the 1st or the 15th of the month.
    • Drop-In Fee: $20
    • Personal Training: $65 Per Session (please call to schedule time)