JC CrossFit Abbreviations – 2015

JC CrossFit Abbreviations – 2015

You asked for it! Here you go! AMRAP: As Many Reps (sometimes Rounds)as Possible AHAP: As heavy as Possible AFAP: As fast as possible AS: Ah Snap. Just kidding. Air Squat ATG: Ass to Grass BP: Bench press Benchmark WOD: Workout of the day to compare measurable data...
Announcing December MVP! Congratulations Tyler Lindsey!

Announcing December MVP! Congratulations Tyler Lindsey!

Meet Tyler Lindsay! This guy never ceases to amaze! At Jefferson City CrossFit we really take pride in our community! We have seriously the best people that show up day in and day out! The number of couples, and family members that work out together is pretty...
Eight Week Fitness Challenge starts January 2016! – Members Only!

Eight Week Fitness Challenge starts January 2016! – Members Only!

You have heard about it! And it’s almost here. Jefferson City CrossFit and their Semi-Annual Fitness challenge! 8 weeks of clean eating, training dirty, and crushing goals! And a community to back you along the way. Is 2016 the year you want to make the change?...
January 2016 ONRAMP BEGINS January 7th!

January 2016 ONRAMP BEGINS January 7th!

Do you need a trainer and community to motivate you and help you in your fitness journey! 2016 is the year to be better, faster and stronger! Jefferson City CrossFit is heading into their fourth year of making lives better than yesterday! You can try out a class...


Announcing Jefferson City CrossFit’s first WOD THEN WINE! (or chocolate milk!) on December 4, 2015 at 6pm. The event is open to all ladies of Jefferson City, 21 years or older! We look forward to having some fun girl time! Bring your tennis shoes! Bring an...